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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We remain committed to keeping you informed. We've compiled some commonly asked questions to address most inquiries. If you can't find the answer to your question below, please feel free to give us a call at 815.614.2066.

What are the state and federal drinking water benchmarks?

State and federal drinking water regulations require that 90 percent of regularly sampled homes have water lead levels of 15 micrograms per liter (ug/L) or less as measured over six-month monitoring periods. Since July 2021, water quality has met state and federal drinking water benchmarks, also referred to as the action level. Sampling continues to support that the water treatment Aqua Illinois has been working for more than two years. 

What does it mean if the treatment is working optimally or is "optimized"?

We have been working closely with regulators to confirm the treatment is as effective as possible for the water system. Regulations refer to this process as “optimizing” the treatment and optimization is evaluated over two consecutive monitoring periods. Water quality has met state and federal drinking water benchmarks since July 2021, and this critical milestone supports that the water treatment Aqua Illinois is using has worked for more than two years.

Should I flush before consuming tap water? 

It is always the best practice in any water system to run tap water for a few minutes if it has not been used for several hours. This ensures that you are getting the freshest water from the main. We remain committed to rebuilding trust in the community.

Why were only certain homes impacted?   

Through our water sampling protocol, we know that hundreds of homes – both inside and outside of the advisory area – were never impacted by elevated lead levels in their water. That is because the source of the lead is not the source water or the University Park infrastructure. Instead, our investigation indicates that the source of lead is within individual home plumbing in a limited number of impacted homes. Many factors like water use, plumbing configuration and excess lead solder, to name a few, can impact how quickly and effectively the treatment can work in those homes.  
If you are concerned about internal lead plumbing in your home, you canrequest free water sampling without signing up for the technical assistance program by calling our customer service team at 815.614.2066.

Will Aqua continue to notify me of the water quality in University Park?    

Yes. We will continue to provide updated compliance sampling data through this website. The next compliance sampling period will be in the summer of 2024, as required by the IEPA.​

Where can I access Aqua Illinois’ water sampling results?    

We are committed to full transparency with our customers and will promptly share with you the results of any sampling taken from your home.

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